Do What You Love, Even If Only Part-Time
It is Valentine’s Day, so I thought I would write about love – specifically, doing what you love.
Everyone has heard it before, “Do what you love.” The idea is if you are doing work you would do even if you didn’t get paid, you will be happier and more productive. They say when you set out to find work, you should look for something that you will enjoy because, after all, you’ll have to do it for at least five days and 40 hours a week.
However, identifying one job that encompasses what you love doing, then actually getting that job, may not be possible or practical. And unfortunately, we don’t all work at our dream job. So, how are we supposed to do what we love if our job of choice is not practical?
Instead, consider what you love on a broad scale. Is it teaching, writing, building, being with people, being outdoors, planning, creating or something else? Determine what is the foundation of your passion. This isn’t always an easy task. If you find it difficult to identify your passion, think about what makes you happy. Then break those things down until you find a common factor that represents what you really enjoy.
If this cannot be incorporated into your profession, find another way to express it through a hobby, an additional job, volunteering or a club. Expressing your passions through doing what you love, even part time, has a positive impact on your life overall. You will feel fulfilled, happy and less stressed. Doing what you love is good for your mental and physical health.
My passion is helping others. I am fortunate to be able to incorporate this into my profession everyday through the vision of Solavei as I, along with our members, work to positively impact millions of people’s lives. However, even outside of Solavei, I create ways to do what I love by pursuing philanthropic interests, including sitting on the board of Miss America, a foundation that makes a wonderful contribution to the education and leadership of women.
The objective is to continue to do what you love, even if it can only be part-time.
What do you love to do? Tweet to me @rwuerch!